Wednesday 5 December 2012

Thinking About Zombies ...

So currently I have all this time on my hands and I have been thinking about getting back to writing my book.

Now those in the know, know that my book is my attempt to tell the story of the universe through the eyes of an angel called Carelle she is trying to determine who is truly good, God or Lucifer? 

That line of thinking caused me to start thinking about death, which lead in due course to Zombies.

The Bible tells us in Genesis chapter 3 that God told Eve that she would die the same day she ate the fruit. Only she didn't die that day, she died around 900 years later, assuming she lived about the same length of time as Adam.

God doesn't lie. It's impossible for Him to lie, when He speaks what He says is created, so He can't lie. Just saying, it makes it true. Even if it wasn't true for eternity before He spoke.

So we have a problem, God who can't lie said Eve would die the same day she ate the Fruit. Contradiction! She died a long long time later - say 328,500 days later if she lived to be exactly 900 years old.

How to resolve the contradiction??

So I was thinking, God has a different definition to death than we do. For Him it is not biological death. Jesus described the little girl who died as being asleep, Matthew 9:24, while everybody else laughed at him and said no she is dead! For God death is defined as a separation between God and creature, God and man. What we call death, God calls sleep.

So from God's point of view Eve died the instant she disobeyed God and ate the fruit, resulting in her being separated from Him. The rest of her 'life' was simply the continuation of biological life until her body wore out and she slipped into the death of sleep.

Now consider Zombies, they are horrific creatures who have lost the spark of life and still walk around and attack other humans until their bodies are so destroyed that they cease to function.

From Heaven's point of view Eve became a Zombie. In fact we are all Zombies. We have lost our connection with God, so we have lost our spark of life, and yet we still walk around attacking each other, until our bodies are so destroyed we cease to function. 

Zombies in the movies don't know/think there is anything wrong with them. They don't know they're Zombies. We think we are all fine and dandy too.

Now think about Jesus. On the cross he cried out "My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?" That is the true moment when he died. He became separated from God and he became a Zombie, for us, willingly. One of the living dead, hanging on the cross.

Unlike us, Jesus knew what it was like to be truly alive, He had had that vital connection to the Father that we  are lacking, so He knew what had happened to Him, He knew what He had lost and He lived with that  knowledge for a few hours, until He gave up His biological life too. And even knowing in advance what would happen He decided to go through with the crucifixion anyway, He could have escaped any time He wanted, but He choose to stay, for me, for you.

Now here is the awesome part, the God who became a man, who became a Zombie, who died the biological death, was perfect. His whole entire human life He never did a single thing that could allow Lucifer to have a claim on Him. So when He went to His final sleep, it could not hold him in His perfection and He awoke again. He came forth from the grave with His connection with the Father re-established, with His biological body renewed and reanimated, with only His scars to prove His torment.Truly alive once more.

Why is this awesome? I hear you ask? It is awesome for this reason; what He has, I can have too!!

I also can be truly alive! No longer a Zombie!! I can re-establish my connection with God and become truly alive again, Right here, right now, this instant. All I have to do is ask.

Dear Father, God, please accept me as I am, and forgive me of the heinous deeds I have done in my zombie state. Please make me alive again because of Jesus.

Now thank Him, because the moment you ask, He does exactly that, He accepts you, He forgives you and He makes you alive again.

And then He says:

"You are no longer a Zombie, you are alive, you are my Son/Daughter. Stop living like a Zombie, stop attacking others, instead tell them that they too can be free, tell them of love, my love, for them."

And the awesomeness continues, because everyday we have the privilege of walking with God, talking with Him, growing and learning, and as we grow and learn He changes us. He makes us like Jesus and eventually we also will be beings who are perfect - not in body but in character, and Satan will have no hold on us either. And we will do it in the same way that Jesus did by asking the Father for grace. Grace to resist the devil, grace to defeat him and grace to live as Jesus did, here and now, no matter what.

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