Sunday 28 April 2013

The Book

Just to prove I'm writing the book again. :-)
I am writing something on it everyday, even if it is only one sentence. 

It is interesting, as I write the Bible becomes much more real to me. Imagining and writing each scene seems to make it more concrete in my mind.


As the incense began to billow out of the censor Zachariah closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He loved the smell of this mixture, sweet yet savoury, it enfolded him and reminded him of the many facets of his God’s character. For several moments he savoured the smell while he sent his personal prayers heavenwards. He prayed for the redemption of Israel, that the prophecies of the ancients would be fulfilled soon, that the Messiah would come soon.

Prayer finished, Zachariah opened his eyes and realised he was not alone. A being stood to the right of the alter, an angel, male in appearance but taller than any man, fiery bright, solemn in expression. Fear gripped Zachariah, talons of terror piercing his heart as he became aware of his own unworthiness to be this close to a servant of the Most High God. Joyfully the elemental spoke, the tone of his voice betraying the solemn expression of his face. “Fear not, Zachariah: for your prayer is heard; and your wife Elisabeth will give you a son, and you will give him the name John. You will be joyful and glad; and many many people will rejoice because of his birth. For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost. And many of the children of Israel will turn back to the Lord their God because of him. And he shall go before the Messiah in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

Zachariah’s thoughts reeled, he would have a son? Now in his 75th year? Elizabeth was 71, she hadn’t had her courses in many years, it was impossible! Without filtering his thoughts he blurted them out, “How shall I know this is true? I am an old man, and my wife is well past the age of child bearing." The Angel smiled, a little sadly. “I am Gabrielle, I stand in the presence of The Father, I was sent to tell you this good news, and because you did not believe you will be silent until the child is born. This is your sign that what I say will come to pass in its proper time.” The angel, Gabrielle, shimmered and disappeared, leaving the room somehow darker because of his absence.

Zachariah stood at the altar, head bowed, censor hanging limply from his hand. Silently he prayed for himself. He asked for forgiveness for not believing the angel's, Gabrielle’s, words. He asked for strength for Elizabeth to endure her pregnancy at her advanced age, and he asked for wisdom in rearing the child, John. He smiled at the thought, now the child was as real in his mind as if it had already been born. John, the Proclaimer. The fulfilment of the prophecy that said the Messiah would have a forerunner to announce him. His son, John. Zachariah was filled with a holy, fierce joy. The Messiah must be born soon too. It was almost over. Soon Israel would be free. He stood there silently contemplating, joyfully sending up prayers of thanks and love to his God.


The worshipers outside the temple were restless, a common theme was rustling through the crowd, “Zachariah has been in there too long.” “Something must have happened.” “Maybe he did not cleanse himself properly before he entered the chamber.” “God may have struck him dead.” Speculation ran rife through the assembled worshipers. And then, just as the priests were assembling to draw lots again to see who would go in to bring out Zachariah’s body, the door opened and the priest emerged, his face shinning like the sun, the crowd fell silent. 


Zachariah could hear the murmurs of the crowd as he opened the door, he could guess what they were thinking, he had been in the Holy Place much longer than was customary. He looked out over the crowd, they fell silent as they looked at him, and then the murmuring started again, questions, comments. “Why were you so long?” “What happened?” “Your face, it glows.” “God must have sent him a vision.”

Zachariah gestured with his hands, making the motions of writing. He tried to speak, he knew nothing would come of it, but he needed to demonstrate his inability to the assembled people. Quickly someone realised his dilemma, “He can’t speak.” The words rippled through the crowd from one person to the next, the people fell back from him, distancing themselves from God’s judgement. Zachariah heard them as they reasoned through his condition, voicing their logic to each other. “His face, it shines."  "He has seen a vision.” “He can’t speak, God has cursed him.” “He's still alive, so God must have forgiven him." "He must have God’s favour.” “What happened?” “There has not been a communication from God for four hundred years …” that speaker trailed off in either awe or unbelief, Zachariah was not sure which.


Someone sent for the High Priest, an encounter with The God of the nation; that was something the High Priest should know about. Someone else found parchment, a quill and a pot of ink. A writing tray soon appeared and was presented to Zachariah. As rumour flowed out of the temple and into the city the crowd grew in size, people came eager, afraid, curious, to find out what had transpired. Soon Zachariah found himself sitting on the floor of the temple, back leaning against the door he had so recently emerged from, writing down his encounter with the angel, Gabrielle, the Servant of the Most High God.  The High Priest arrived and stood over him, reading as he wrote, sentence by sentence, to the now silent people. They listened in an attitude of reverence as the High Priest read. The Almighty God had spoken to the Priest Zachariah. 

Friday 26 April 2013


I've thinking about commitment this morning.

It started because I was listening to a sermon on forgiveness and I started musing about how God forgave us. Adam and Eve rejected God and chose to do things their own way, so God lets them go. But, He says, I will forgive them and I will do everything in my power to win them back. So to protect everybody else (ie the Angels) in the universe from the effects of sin as much as possible, He isolated us on our world and let us see two things.

One; how bad sin really is - it kills us. Doesn't get much worse than that, except that maybe all the pain and suffering we go through on the way to death is actually worse than death ... I mean once you're dead you're dead. You know nothing. No more pain, no more suffering, no more anything - which may seem like not such a bad option when compared to aspects of our current lives, but when compared to what God has promised us if we go back to Him it is a tragedy. The question becomes, do we believe God's promises? But I digress ...

Two; how much He loves us. Consider ... He locked us into this world to stew in our own sinful juices and then He comes down and joins us here and stews with us to make a way out for everyone who will accept His help.

And it was point two that lead my musings to commitment. Consider again ... God had other options ... When Satan first introduced the concept of sin in Heaven - before we were created God could have:

1. Destroyed Satan - but the cost was a universe full of Angels who were afraid of Him and obeyed so they wouldn't die ...

2. Destroyed Everything and made a new Heaven and an new set of Angels, then when we were created no one would have known about sin.

BUT, He didn't do these things, he chose to keep them all; Satan, and the Angels and then He created us, even though He knew in advance that we would reject Him. That's commitment. He's committed to us!

Consider further ... God's Son in Heaven becomes the human Jesus and lives with us for 33 years, trying to show us what God is really like, that His promises are true, and that He wants us back. Basically Jesus was God coming courting. Saying this is who I really am ... can't you love me??

And what did we do? Most of us rejected Him. We nailed Him to a cross and killed Him. And He forgave us. That shows love. Extreme ,unreasonable love - maybe obsession ...

The thing is Jesus did not have to stay on that cross - the physical pain must have been immense, but the emotional pain ... to be hung up there naked, exposed in full view of the object of his extreme unreasonable love, and then to have that love thrown back in his face, "We don't want you, we choose Barabbas!" "If you're really the Son of God why don't you come down from the cross and save yourself?"

And literally, Jesus could have come down off the cross and gone back to Heaven - twelve legions of Angels were waiting for the command to come and get Him. If He had as much as breathed a desire to be gone He would have been whisked away from the evilness and cruelty and rejection He was experiencing and taken back to Heaven in an instant. Back to Heaven where it is beautiful and peaceful and everybody loved Him.

But He didn't go, He chose to stay and see it through to the bitter deadly end. Because He knew that if He didn't stay we would all die and not one of us would get to see the fulfillment of the promises He had made.

That is commitment, and that is love. "No matter what it takes, I will save them, I love them, it does not matter that they do not love me, I will make a way for them to come to me if they want to." And so He died and then He was resurrected, (that is a whole other rather glorious story that I'll discuss some other time), and the way was made for us to be reunited with the one being in the entire universe who loves us more than we can imagine or dream. Who is so committed to us that He willingly died to to save us, and who is working everyday to show us how much he loves us.

So then what is our part?

We choose.

Either we choose to accept Jesus and love and life and joy. Or we choose to reject Him and sadly since there is only one way to Eternity we will die, but it will be a death on our own terms, rather than salvation on God's terms - I guess that is of some comfort to our pride - but for Jesus it is a tragedy. Imagine how you would feel if you loved someone exceedingly much and they were sitting on a ticking time bomb, you know the combination to disarm the bomb, you tell them the combination, and they refuse to use it ... so you are forced to stand and watch as they blow themselves up. Tragedy.

I'm choosing life, I'm choosing to be loved.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Alsorts Of Randomness ^^

Good Evening Gentlefolks :-)

So I have been an intermittent blogger over the last few weeks and months. There are reasons :-) Until just over a month ago I was in New Zealand with my family, which was lovely. However there was not much happening that sparked my talking interest, I mean that it was all so normal. :-) I do realise that what is normal for me is not normal for others, but I wasn't sure you all wanted to read about the day in the life of someone living in the NZ countryside.

Then I was in Oz for a three weeks, which was also lovely, but also normal. I got to stay with some of my favourite people, and see lots more of my favourite people, and get a visa.

Now, just in case you haven't caught up with my news I'm now back in South Korea. Loving being back!!! Even with all the talk of war. Only problem with being back is that I don't have as great internet as last time. Last time I was in the heart of Seoul. Now I am just outside of Seoul in a New City, I'll talk about that in a bit. I'm actually quite close to where I was when I first came to Seoul, I can see the same mountain near my apartment, but now I'm on the other side.

My apartment is new and unfurnished. I have brought a small amount of furniture. A Korean style bed, a clothes rack, a small bookcase, a small chest of draws and a small desk. Notice it is all small. I'm trying to make sure that everything I buy can be moved easily. Don't want to have to hire a truck to move apartments. Currently I can carry everything by myself - though it will take a few trips.

The Korean style bed: you start with a two inch thick pad with a zip on quilted cover, then you lay a small quilt about a cm thik on top of that - it acts as a bottom sheet, and then I have my NZ duvet, donna for Australians and I have no idea what you Americans call them, on top of that (I brought it with me). I'm not worrying about a top sheet as it is too much of a hassle to tuck it in, will just have to wash the duvet cover regularly  It is all finished off with two nice fat western style pillows and pillowcases that match the duvet cover. It all of this sits on a 5 inch thick base. During the day I roll the thin pad, duvet and everything up into the corner of my room. Then the base folds in half and becomes my chair for working on the computer. It is actually very exceedingly comfortable.

As well as these aforementioned items of furniture, we also have an ironing board - a real one, not one of the tiny Korean ones that sit 6 inches off the floor, and a coffee table and a donated TV which we can't use - not that I want to - but it has an American plug so we can't even plug it in. Thats it! Nice and minimalist. Oh, yes, there are also two plants with pretty pink flowers that were gifted to me by one of my friends from before. She was careful to give me instructions for their care; they are each to get only 1 shot glass of water once a week. This apparently will guarantee them a long and happy life. We will see. (My flatemate/roommates also has furniture for her room, but I'm not counting that because it's her furniture. I like the NZ term better, roommate makes it sound like we share a room, but we don't, we share an apartment.)

The best thing about our apartment - and all Korean apartments for that matter is the heated floor!!! Today was COLD! That cold you get when the wind is blowing over snow. No snow where I am, but plenty of wind. I was chilled to the bone by the time I got home - and it's only a short walk. However I had anticipated that situation and left the floor heatin on. Normally we turn it off when we go out, as the apartment holds its temperature quite well, insulation in the walls and all the windows are double glazed. However, today I just new I'd want a warm floor when i got home - and I'm so glad I left it on, arrived home, unwound from all the layers and immediately embraced the floor! Felt a bit like the Pope kissing the earth when he gets off a plane. Warmed me through in no time flat ^^

Internet: Korea is the country with the best internet coverage in the world. I am absolutely positively sure of this fact. When I was here before I invested in an iphone and used it's personal hotspot feature hook my computer onto the internet. Now ironically I can get wonderful cellphone coverage everywhere in Korea except in my own apartment!!!! I have discovered if I cuddle up to the glass of the big picture window in the lounge I can get enough coverage to send and receive messages, check my emails, etc. But I have to hold the phone flat against the glass and lift it quite high up. Makes it difficult to type when it is plugged in. Then yesterday I had a brainwave. I put a suction cup style hook in the window as high as I can reach, and a plastic bag on the hook. Then I put the phone in the bag and use my extra long USB cable to plug it into the computer and 'm back online and able to type :-) Works exceedingly well - although now making phone calls is not quite as easy - feel like a freak shouting up at the plastic bag ... lol! Yes I can take it down, but if I do the coverage is more likely to disappear ...

This picture shows my chair/bed base, phone in bag or hook arrangement, desk and computer.
The pink patch is the brain hat I'm knitting myself.
More on that another day.
New City - tell you about that tomorrow - or the next day - or the day after that. Will just say now that this is a new, rather strange and in some ways very unKorean experience. In other ways it is very very Korean.

Goodnight for now


Tuesday 2 April 2013

Strong Stomach Required

So today I am doubting my fitness to be a kindergarten teacher. While it turns out to be lots of fun it does require a strong stomach. I don't have one of them.

I'm teaching some little girls, the youngest would be four. Today during one activity she did a great big sneeze and lots of snot exploded from her nose and all over her face. That was bad enough, but then, before I could get her a tissue, she licked it up with obvious relish. I nearly threw up in the middle of the classroom - about four times. At that point I managed to choke out an instruction telling the class to go and play. Took me a good five minutes to get the stomach under control ... and I'm actually struggling to type this ... darn gag reflex.

How do you mothers do it?? 

I can handle blood no problem; wee, don't like it but I won't die, ditto poop. However bodily fluids from the nose and mouth ...