Thursday 6 May 2010

What To Do About Sin...

So after promising a list of delights last time, tonight I am posting about something that was not even on the list at all. In my book I am trying to write the conversation God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit must have had at some point about what to do if sin was ever found in the universe and to do so I started writing a mini essay about it - as I do. (Yes I know, Nerd ... and proud of it!)

Please give feedback etc on this as I would like to have my book as accurate as possible.

What To Do About Sin...

The Bible tells us that God does not change, that:

  1. God is light
  2. God is love
  3. God is truth
  4. God is life

Now consider this;

  1. God is light, therefore darkness cannot exist in His presence - not because He destroys it, simply because darkness cannot be where light is.
  2. God is love, therefore hate can not exist in His presence - again this is simply because the opposites are mutually exclusive.
  3. God is truth, his word has creative power, when He speaks things are created, therefore it is impossible for Him to lie, for him to say a thing brings it into existence.
  4. God is life, for things to be in His presence is to infuse them with life, it is impossible for something to die if he is there. (That's why He had to separate Himself from Jesus when He was on the cross.)

These things define God, and the universe He created. Anything in this universe that does not agree with these principles should cease to exist, but our world continues to exist, and we break ALL those principles. Why do we continue?? The answer is that God shields us from his Glory, (according to Hebrews we are behind a veil,) so that we do not instantly 'vaporise.'

Now before Satan tempted Adam and Eve he was the covering angel in heaven and at some point he sinned in his heart and decided to exult himself above God. Then he acted on what was in his heart.

At this point Satan should have ceased to exist, because he now embodied principles that were opposed to who God was. But he did not disappear because God must have immediately shielded him behind the veil.

At this point God has several options:

1.    Remove the veil and allow Satan to recieve the result of His sin, i.e. to vaporise/cease to exist.
Short Term Advantage: Satan is gone, sin is gone, everything is clean and the problem is dealt with quickly.
Long Term Disadvantage: the other angels will not understand why Satan 'was killed' to them it will appear that God abitarily decided to do away with Satan because he had a few bad thoughts. Eventually others will begin to wonder about God's goodness and more angels will sin and then die until the only angels left are those who serve God out of fear and not love.

2.   Wipe out the whole universe and start again.
Short Term Advantage: Gets rid of sin and Satan and all those other angels who would eventually either die or serve God from fear. Replaces them with new innocent angels who know nothing of sin and serve from love.
Long Term Disadvantage: At some point one of these future angels may/will discover sin too and then the cycle has to repeat.
Another Problem: this solution is totally against God's character, i.e. it is anti-love, and anti-life etc.

3.    Allow Satan to continue in his course until everybody can see the what his plans will truely result in.
Short Term Disadvantage: many angels will side with Satan and be lost because his ideas seem reasonable and he is a master deceiver and God does not appear to be doing anything about it.
Long Term Disadvantage: it will take a long time, it will be messy, there will be much hurt and suffering before it is all over.
Long Term Advantage: When it is over, everybody will know what God is really like - exceedingly good. And what Satan and sin is really like - exceedingly evil. there will be no chance of sin ever coming back into the universe ever again. And, those angels and people who survive will serve God from love and base there actions willingly and knowingly around His character.

4.   Talk to Satan and get Him to repent willingly, then the sin consequences have to be received (Jesus would still have had to die but only for Satan not the whole world) and no-one else would be hurt.
Short Term Advantage: It's quick, tidy and only Jesus gets hurt.
Disadvantages: none that I can think of.

I believe God tried option 4 first but that Satan did not agree, so then He went with option 3, because anything else would be either short-sighted or against His character.

So in working out option 3 God agrees to give Satan a small corner of the universe to try out his ideas - if he can get the inhabitants to agree.

Unfortunately for us, Adam and Eve were tricked into agreeing. Mayhem ensued!! A sin debt grew, Jesus came and received the consequences of that sin debt for everyone in all times. At some point God is coming to reclaim this world, and He will be removing the veil to do so, exposing His full glory to the inhabitants of this world, All of whom will be resurrected. Those who have accepted Jesus will continue in love, life, truth and light for eternity. Those who did not will vaporise, they will not be able to exist in God's presence because they represent the opposite of God.

Note: this is what Hell is, consider, God is described in the Bible as a 'consuming fire'. It is not that God says "Ha, you evil people I am going to get you" rather He comes back to reclaim His territory and His people who believe and serve Him and unfortunately the other people have not accepted the conditions that would make them able to survive in His presence. And it's not like He hasn't tried to warn them ... He hasn't stopped trying to warn them from the moment this world fell into Satan's hands.

I believe the story of David weeping over the death of Absalom in the Bible is also describing how God will feel about those people who perish when He returns.

I can back this up with Bible texts, but I was trying to do a summary run though, to get my ideas in order. Any thoughts, corrections or questions will be welcomed!

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