Monday 5 January 2015

Dream and Possession

Have you ever had one of those days that suddenly changes on you? You think you have everything planned and suddenly it slides away and something else drops into its place?

Today was one of those days. My plan this morning was:

1. Go to school and teach a half day. 
2. Leave school at 12:30, go to a book shop and buy a book. (I ended up buying 2.)
3. Visit a friend for one hour.  
4. Travel to 이태원 and meet another friend for dinner. 
5. Come home and study. 

But at about 1pm I got a message from the second friend (point 4) saying she couldn't  meet up with me today after all. 

Then my 1 hour visit with the first friend (point 3) turned into a 3.5 hour catch up. 

Leaving her house I bumped into another friend, almost literally at friend number 1's front door. We were walking in different directions and if either of us had been a minute earlier or later we would have missed each other completely.  I haven't seen him for a couple of months and I ended up eating dinner with him instead. 

And as a result of that conversation I think I am launching myself on a new adventure :-) One that will fulfil a long cherished dream. I've already thrown out the hook, line and sinker and we will see what the tide brings in. 

Not going to tell you what it is yet, want to see what God does with my opening gambit. (Just mixing a few metaphores here, lol.)

Cheers to dreams possessed!!!

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