Tuesday 16 March 2010

God Answers Fast...

This is the next installment in my series of Blogs on the way God has worked in my Life, I must confess that life has been busy in the last week so you are only getting this because it was already typed up (I emailed it as encouragement to someone a week or so ago - without all the bits in brackets) and because I was worried I would lose my faithful reader. ("Hi Lisa, haha" ... and "Hi everybody else.")

I grew up an SDA but never accepted Jesus into my life as a personal Saviour until my early thirties, at that time I did fully surrender to His leading. Life happens and at the end of last year I found myself in the place where I wanted to follow God’s will. I was surrended in the Big things, like what to do in 2010 (come to BHHEC as it turns out) but not in the small things. It was as if I was sitting as judge on everything God required and choosing each time yes or no? Will I or won’t I obey in this area? Does this please ME? There were things in my life that should not have been there and I could not/would not make the effort to get rid of them.

Before I left to come to America I prayed three things; one of which was to be able to stop sitting on the fence and fully surrender to God once and for all, (the second was to finish the novel which I had been a bit half hearted on, letting everything else take priority over it, and the last was to lose a whole bunch of weight!) My first Sabbath in the US I arrived to church (which is just across the road from my little room - yes I was on time, and yes I did go to Sabbath School - am enjoying it, the people here think about stuff.) There was a guest speaker who gave his testimony and made an alter call. I don’t know why but it resonated (the Holy Spirit is probably the reason :-) ) and I was able to give those areas back to God and clean away the things that should not have been in my life.

I was rather surprised, certainly hadn’t expected God to be so fast. His timing is perfect I think - and it amuses me too! (And yes, I know it’s not really ‘once and for all’ I have to repeat the surrender every day – hourly sometimes.) 

The book continues to progress, and as for prayer number three, you will just have to wait till I get home to find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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