Wednesday 31 August 2011

Easy Yummy Bread

This great bread recipe is care of Robyn Irons :-)

Makes a lovely loaf, with a slightly yeasty taste.

640ml warm water
3/4 tspn sugar
3 tspn active yeast (If using Surebake yeast double the amount.)
4 ½ cups plain or wholemeal flour
1 ½ tspn salt
3/4 cup mixed grains/seeds (Rye, millet, rolled oats, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.)
1 egg

1.  Sprinkle the yeast and sugar into the warm water and leave to dissolve, stirring once or twice.
2.  Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl, make a well in the centre.
3.  Add the egg (beaten) and the yeast mixture and stir until it has the consistency of thick, cold porridge.
4.  Pour into a greased bread tin and put into a COLD oven.
5.  Turn on to 200C and cook for 50 to 60 minutes.

Keeps well or freezes well. Makes a big loaf in a tin, or two free-form loaves on a greased oven tray.

Robyn’s Variations:
2 cups white flour
2 cups wholemeal flour
½ cup rolled oats

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cat - don't mean to rain on your parade, and glad you love the bread.... but it's 3/4 cup of linseeds or grains, then I add an EXTRA cup of mixed sunflower/pumpkin seeds. Lately I've added chopped walnuts instead of the extra seeds ..... super yummy!
    The latest loaf was walnut, sultana and spices (with an extra half cup of sugar in the dry ingredients) ...... it was DIVINE!!!!
