Saturday 26 November 2011

Addendum - Epiphany 4 and More

So I'm still thinking about God loving me ... and having a few more epiphanies ...

Epiphany 4
When Jesus died on the cross he presented God with the biggest, bestest gift He possibly could.

Jesus gave God the one thing that God couldn't obtain for Himself. I mean God is God! If He want's something all He has to do is create it. Except He can't have a relationship with me because I'm covered in sin and if He comes near me I die. So when Jesus made a way for God to be able to hug and care for me (and all the other humans) the way He wants to, He gave God the one thing God couldn't get for Himself.

Epiphany 5
God treasures me!!

For two reasons. 1. He really loves me and He couldn't be with me, and then it was made possible for Him to be with me after all. And, 2. It was His only begotten Son, who He also loves, who paid a huge price to make it possible for Him to be with me. No wonder God loves Jesus so much. And that can only make me more special to Him - I was a gift given to Him by a much loved Son at a huge cost.

Epiphany 6
God is a gentleman, He will never force me to accept His love.

So while God loves me more than I can ever know or understand He also will respect my wishes. if I choose  to deny and reject His love He will step back and allow me to go my own way. But He also orchestrates circumstances to show me that my best happiness comes from being in a relationship with Him. However it is my decision. It must hurt Him terrible to want to be with me and see me cavorting with His enemy, who He knows is only playing with me for the purpose of hurting Him (God), before he (the enemy) kills me.

Epiphany 7
Once I've accepted Christ, God won't allow anything into my life to harm me.

Having said this I must add that, God is more interested in my character development than my worldly wealth. In preparing me for heaven and eternity with Him than in these few short years we have now on this sinful planet. So sometimes things seem hard here and I question, "Why God?" but those things are to build my character and aimed at my ultimate good. If I don't accept Christ then unfortunately I am outside of His special care and he can't protect me in the way he would like too - because remember he won't force us to accept Him and if He comes too close when we are carrying our own sin then we will die because His very presence will destroy the sin in us and us along with that sin.

I am becoming more and more convinced that it is the Love of God that is the most important thing for us to understand and that every circumstance in our lives and every belief we have about God must be filtered through that love.

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