Friday 20 August 2010

Random Miscellaneous Sundry Stuff

It is 10:30pm and I am not just awake I am wide awake. Not a situation that is entirely pleasing and unfortunately is entirely my own fault. I so should not have allowed myself to have that nap this afternoon - regardless of how tired I was then.

Now I am crouched over my computer in a darkened room with the screen carefully surrounded by pillows and typing very quietly - and slowly - in an attempt to not wake up my sleeping roommates. I see no need for them to share me sad fate. (LOL - a touch of melodrama never hurt anyone.)

So having explained all that, I am left wondering what to talk about on this lovely blog of mine, what would I like the whole world to know about tonight...

1. I had a lovely birthday!!! Thanks to all of you lovely lovely people who left wishes on my facebook or emailed me in the old fashioned manner! Way to make a girl feel loved!!! Now that I am officially one year away from being old I need all the love I can get.

2. For my Birthday treat I had a peanut butter smoothie. Sounds intriguing, tastes even better. A bunch of us took the opportunity to get off campus and go to Jamba Juice, which is like a NZ or Oz juice bar, but on steroids. I felt a bit sorry for the people working there when all of a sudden they had about 25 people pour into their tiny shop. Possibly at some future time 'speed smoothie making' will become an Olympic sport. These guys would definitely have a chance at a medal.

3. I have been thinking ... we each have to give a sermon and I have been thinking of building mine around the title "These Lies I Live By..." it is something I have been thinking about for a few weeks now. We all tell ourselves lies - and totally believe them to be true, things like "No one will ever love me", "I'm not good enough" and "I need xyz to be truly happy". We cling to these lies because at some time they have protected us from something that threatened majorly, and I think that to an extent they become idols to us. And, they are responsible for destroying us. Unless we are prepared to release these lies and replace them with truths from God's Word. But releasing is a painful process and we have to learn to trust God more than we trust the lies. Every time we release a lie and choose to live by the truth we take on a bit more of the character of Jesus.

Any thoughts on my thoughts? And I would also appreciate other suggestions of lies we tell ourselves...

I'm off to have another attempt to enter the world of dreams, I hope you all have a lovely day or night depending on what part of the world you are in.

Love and Hugs,

from Meeeeee

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