Saturday 18 December 2010


Today was my first Sabbath back in New Zealand, and I spent it curled up with a good book, (I don't know how long it is since I did that), and a flu. Curses on people who fly when they are not well and spread their germs through the aeroplanes air-conditioning.

Has been so lovely to see my family again. My nephew and niece have grown up so much in just one year. They both started drawing my portrait, multiple attempts required - Aunty Treena as a pineapple, an apple, an olive, a tooth ... I think that they recognise their current lack of life drawing skills, and are trying to compensate with abstract concepts. Slightly more alarming was Aunty Treena with her family of apples/olives/teeth/... including husband and about 100 children! I suspect a conspiracy. Had barely been home 3 hours before every member of my immediate family started commenting. Say's Brother; "I've got this friend I should introduce you too, names Ivan ...", Sister; "One of my friends has this brother, he's really intelligent ..." (as far as  know it is a different friend), Stepfather never mentioned a potential son-in-law, just told me I should apply for a job at the childcare centre two doors down from their house, because then I "could get practice for when [I] have [my] own children ..." Mum never mentioned men or children, but did whisk me off to the hairdresser within two hours of being off the plane, an attention I am exceedingly grateful for, but also somewhat suspicious of, given rest of families preoccupations.

My Sister-in-law also did not mention men, but that is because she was a.) hugely uncomfortable because she is pregnant and overdue and b.) having to translate everything that was said into Spanish so that her Mother could understand  and be part of the conversation - so she didn't have time for extra inanities! The baby was born last night. (See it obeyed me when I said it had to wait until I got home.)Worst thing is I can't go see him till every vestige of the aeroplane germs are gone - I am so NOT going to be responsible for giving him his first flu at less than 24 hours old.

Things I have loved about being home:
It has been great to reclaim my some of my independence, been driving a lot - with no ill effects from minuscule amount of driving on American roads - except for the small habit of turning on the wind-wipers when I really want the blinkers - and vice versa ... and a problem with distinguishing my right from my left.

Also love being able to choose what I want to eat for meals instead of having to eat what was put in front of me. Have not even had to look at oatmeal since I left Weimar :-D Still having avocado and tomato on toast for breakfast; which for my non-Weimar friends, was my solution to the never ending porridge/oatmeal they tried to feed us - I started bringing my own food to the cafe. Now however I don't have to worry about people trying to steal the avocado from me - or to be more precise trying to guilt me into handing it over voluntarily ... 

On the other hand I had forgotten how muggy and humid Auckland can be, probably because last Christmas I came home from Oz where the temperatures were 39-42 C (100-110 F) with 80-90% humidity everyday, so Auckland temps and humidity were a welcome relief. This time I coming directly from winter ... 

And I have yet to see my stars - been cloudy ever since I got home, there is a reason we're called 'The Land Of The Long White Cloud.'

Probably should mention the success of the year; I lost 71 pounds while I was in America, 55 at Black Hills and 16 at Weimar. That is about 32 kg's, but the pounds sound soooo much better that I may just think in pounds for the rest of my life. Still have a long way to go, but I will get there!!!!!!! Technically my year is not up until the 17th of Jan which is when I arrived at Black Hills (or was it the 18th - that first couple of days is a jet-lagged blur) regardless I'm going to keep counting until 17th Jan 2011, going to try for another 9 pounds and make it an even 80 pounds for the year. Also going to go to the doctor and get some blood work done, will be interesting to see the differences. I already know that my blood pressure is a very respectable 117/74 down from 162/130 at it's absolute worst.

Final lovely thing about coming home is that my adorable little cat Cinnamon decided to make the most of the time she has me for and to not waste any of it by snubbing me. She has been following me around like a little puppy, curling up next to me whenever I sit down and generally being the cutest cuddliest sweetest kitty imaginable.

(P.S. In case your worried my American friends, I do miss you, and if at all possible I will come back to visit you all one day - In the meantime there is Facebook and Skype.)

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