Thursday 1 March 2012

March 1 - March 1

Today is a public holiday in Korea. It commemorates the Declaration of independence that was signed by a group of 33 people on March 1, 1919. This declaration was the beginning of a movement of peaceful resistance that resulted in a loosening of the oppressive conditions forced onto the Korean people by their colonial Japanese rulers. If you want to know more, here is the link to Wikipedia.

Today is also the second day of my term break. The day began with a delicious sleep in, continued with more sleeping and was further punctuated with nana naps! And, chatting with friends on skype and facebook. Have yet to step outside the apartment - but that will come - I'm having dinner tonight at the home of  one of my students. In the mean time I think I shall upload the backlog of my photo's to facebook and play with an excel spread sheet I'm working on. FUN!!

Since today is the first day of March it also means my self imposed challenge of posting something about Korea every day is officially over. But, I enjoyed it so I'm extending the challenge for the month of March too.

Last month I had another challenge - to be in bed by 10pm every night - with the light out. Not so successful on that challenge - but did make it by 10:30pm most nights. This month I'm going to split the difference - 10:15pm, lights out, eyes closed, sleep, zzzzzzzzzzz

Since today is an official kind of day - here is an official kind of picture. This is a very common form of police transport. I once saw about 8 of these buss's lined up along a street where a demonstration was occurring. Didn't take a picture then, too chicken with all the police and demonstratee's around. Yesterday the coast was clear.

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