Tuesday 9 February 2010

Feedback, the Super Bowl and Buttons

So all you people out there reading my blog, whether that is on Facebook or Blogger I need you to let me know you are reading or else I just might peter (spelling?? that can't be right...) out and stop blogging. So start clicking 'like', correcting my spelling, or writing 'I was here' or 'readdit' or some such other inanity!!!! Yes that is a threat!!!!  LOL

So what to tell you, I know for ages I have been promising a description of 'A Day in the Life of an Inmate at a Healthy Retreat' will do tomorrow - maybe, if you are all good people and give me feedback today....

Yesterday I had two skiing experiences and wasn't even wearing ski's. For some reason yesterday was a clumsy day, started out wrenching a button off my coat, then I knocked my water bottle over and poured half a litre of water all over the carpet in my room, then I slid over going down the hill to breakfast - skied down the hill on my knees, then when I got to breakfast I spilled it down my front - twice! Then... yes it continues all sorts of little incidences of fumble fingers/feet/elbows/knees/forehead/etc that finally culminated in a spectacular face-plant as I 'skied' down the hill to lunch. Thankfully nobody saw me and nothing was hurt except my pride. (And I'd already dealt my pride a blow by standing out in the snow in the full view of everybody taking pictures of my arms to get photo's of snowflakes that look like the ones on Christmas cards, which I will upload next time I see Lydia with her computer.)

After the face plant apparently used up my quota of clumsiness I proceeded to have an uneventful afternoon and did not injure myself or anything else for the rest of the day - a pleasant occurrence that has continued into today as well!

Last night a friend took me out to see the Super bowl on TV at another friends house, her argument being that   while in America I should experience American culture! First quarter was a blur of bodies milling around with occasional bursts of running and knocking each other over that made absolutely no sense at all. But once I figured out that the 'quarterback' is really a dummy half who is allowed to hang onto the ball, and that there wasn't going to be any rucks or line outs and I figured out what the moving blue and orange line on the TV screen meant it all started to make sense. Basically seems to be very simplified rugby with everybody wearing armour and doing a lot of posing... LOL. Rugby is a better game to watch - faster, not so much standing around etc. However for the only game of American Football I'm ever going to watch it was a good one, real cliffhanger, no idea who was going to win until the last 3 mins. And then the Underdogs pulled it out of the bag and won by two touchdowns.

Now I have to finish this up, got to go sew that button back on my coat!


  1. I don't know about your friends down under, but I'm enjoying your blog!

  2. Well thank you, are you someone I know or a random who came across my blog by accident and was charmed enough to stay??

    Not that that worries me your welcome to stay I'm just curious. I have a policy of never saying or writing anything I wouldn't want the whole world to know. Comes from having a cousin in my class who was the worlds biggest blabber mouth. At thirteen he wheedled out of me who I thought the cutest boy in the class was, and then, while the name was still fresh on my lips, immediately turned around and shouts across the Science Lab "Hey Steve, Cat likes you!" Very harrowing experience for this little library nerd. Suffice to say I never told him or anybody else another secret! Valuable lesson to learn.
