Thursday 22 July 2010

The Ongoing Adventures of Goldie: Goldie Meets The Chipmunks

For Ben and Megan, Enjoy!

Goldie decided it was time to meet a Chipmunk. She laid a tempting picnic on the rock and sat down to wait for company.
She didn't have to wait long till someone spied her intruding on his favorite rock.
He came closer to find out more about the intruder.
Carefully considering the situation from several angles.

Running circles around the problem to ensure he didn't miss any hidden surprises.
And then he saw it, the Big Pile Of Seed!
Covetously he crept closer and peered over Goldie's shoulder.
As he stood to the side considering the situation he heard a little voice say, "Would you like some seed?"
"Well yes," he admited, but I can't accept the kindness of strangers, it would not be polite."
Goldie laughed. "I'm Goldie" she said.
"You smell friendly, I'm Chip."said Chip.

Chip smiled, "Now we're introduced, Yes, I'd love some seed."

(I totally missed the best shot which was where Chip bit Goldie's foot just to cheek she wasn't a giant fluffy seed.)
"So tell me about yourself" Goldie suggested, but Chip was eating too fast and his mouth was full.
Soon they settled into an amicable conversation.
Goldie told stories of her travels from China to America and of her excitement about her anticipated trip to New Zealand. Chip stared off into the distance trying to imagine rice paddies and boiling mud pools.
Chip described what it was like to live in a cave and gave tips on the Avoidance of Rattlesnakes. Talking about Rattlesnakes made him nervous and he warily looked around to check there were none in the vicinity.
Finally it was time for Chip to go. He started on his way.
But then he ran back, for just one more seed for the road.
On his way he stopped looked back over his shoulder and called "So long and thanks for all the seeds."

1 comment:

  1. Julianna says: "Kat has quite an imagination!"
