Thursday 8 July 2010

Wriggle Room and Immigration

I have been considering my options and it seems to me there is a decision tree to be worked through;

1.  Do I stay or do I go?

2.  If I stay I then need to decide do I try to get a new Visa to stay at BHHEC or to go to AFCOE? This is a one shot decision, can't do both either concurrently or consecutively.

3.  If I go then I need to decide what I will do once back in NZ. I am going to have to make this decision regardless of when I go back.

So lets say I decide to try to stay, I talked to the people at WildWood and then following up on what they told me I spent a large portion of today investigating the USCIS website (thats the official  'stuff about immigration' website) What I found out is:

a.  I will not qualify for a student visa for AFCOE because I run into the same 'have to maintain a residence in NZ' problem. And I have to show that I can support myself for the entire length of the course, something I can not currently do. Not discounting that God is the God of the impossible and if He wants me at AFCOE He will provide everything necessary, however those doors currently appear to be firmly closed. Therefore I will try for other doors that appear to be opening, while always being ready to backtrack.

b.  There is a kind of visa called an H3 that might just allow me to stay and be all legal. It does not have the maintain a foreign residence clause - that I could see. And, it allows you to work at certain kinds of 'non-productive' labour which just happen to be all the kinds I am already doing. (Am going to get them to define 'non-productive' tomorrow just to be doubly sure.)

c.  It takes 4 - 6 weeks to process an application for a change in visa status and you are allowed to stay in the country while the process is being completed regardless of the 'leave by' date on your entry permit. If the application is granted I will have to find out if there is anything else I will need to do, but it means I should be allowed to stay. If the application is denied then I have to be out of the country as quickly as possible.

So, the current plan is to file an application for the H3 visa and wait to see what happens. While continuing to pray of course. (All prayers appreciated!! Thanks guys, love you all!) That of course quite nicely postpones the decision about what to do when I get back to NZ by at least 4 - 6 weeks and God willing postpones it for  another 6 months, or more.

Any thoughts on this will be gratefully considered!!!!

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