Sunday 18 October 2015

100 Happy Days Revisited - #11: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Not much scares me these days, but today I found something that does. It was one of those 'Only in Korea' moments, which are as amusing as they are scary.  

So I'm wandering through my local store topping up my groceries and out of the corner of my eye I spot a very strange thing in the ice cream section of the freezer...

Anyone brave enough to try corn ice cream? I'm normally willing to try anything once as long as its vegetarian, but I'm pretty sure I'm never going to be brave enough to put that in my mouth ...


  1. I've seen cheese ice cream for sale here in PNG (imported from the Philippines). I was tempted to try just to say I had, but dairy is insanely expensive...

    1. I tried cheesecake ice cream here in Korea once - just once! There is something that is plain wrong about ice cream with lumps of cheese in it.
