Thursday 3 April 2014

#100HappyDays Challenge: Day 47 - Another Happy Day

I really have nothing to tell you tonight. My day was quite ordinary. I woke up, spent time with my God, went to school, came home, cleaned. Prepped for tomorrow and jumped into bed. Lights out in three minutes. 

A perfectly ordinary contented happy day. 

I think honestly that happiness is not the things you do or have, it's not the people in your life. It's not your job, or your internet connection, your clothes or your bank account. It is an attitude, a choice and a trust. 

I trust God, I know that whatever happens to me does not matter. It might be unpleasant and uncomfortable but It will work out to be the best thing and I will one day thank God for it. So because I trust God I choose to look for the good in every circumstance, to look for the things I can thank God for. Which results in me walking through life with a habitually happy attitude. 

It's all based on knowing the Promises of God and knowing that God always keeps His Promises. 

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