Monday 21 April 2014

#100HappyDays Challenge: Day 65- Caring Advice

Currently I'm a bit sick. To the point that today at school I set my kids work and then sat at my desk and tried not to die. Was quite successful at the not dieing. 

Anyway my kids were quite concerned and kept asking me if I was going to the doctor. When I told them I wanted to go to a traditional Korean doctor who deals with herbs rather than western drugs they got quite excited and started giving me their best advice about which herbs I should take. 

The general consensus was for ginseng. Which we all agreed tastes like dirt. Several of them even drew me pictures (reminiscent of the photo I stole from the internet below) on the margins of their note books to check that I knew which herb they were talking about. 

They are 10 and 11. So cute!!! And nice to know they care. 

PS I'm starting to get better now, so don't worry. 

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