Thursday 8 May 2014

#100HappyDays Challenge: Day 80 - Tuesday

I got to spend Tuesday with my favourite Korean (and yes I know you're reading this ^^) 

She is one of those friends I can talk about absolutely anything with. They are the best kind. 

This time we went to the Dongdaemun Design Park and saw lots if interesting things. So I took lots of photos. Here are some of them. 

These chairs are made from coloured paper. 

This chair looks like over sized rubber grass. 

Fancy a chair that moves like a spinning top??

A keyboard that plays the notes with a meow sound?? I have a video, will load it to YouTube and link across. 

Feeling homesick? If your from London, Paris, New York or Prague you can buy a can of air from home to alleviate the symptoms. 

Here are the claims for the can if London air. 

It was another Happy Day. 

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