Sunday 11 May 2014

#100HappyDays Challenge: Day 85 - Mint

A few weeks back I was walking with a friend and came apon a pot filled with mint that was growing with gay abandon. I pinched a sprig, took it home and put it in water. It grew roots :-) Today I planted it into it's own pot. 

I'm working on the assumption that I can't kill mint. This assumption is based on the fact that back in a past life - I.E. Back when I lived in my house on walkers rd - I had a mint patch by the back door that I would periodically run over with the lawnmower to stop it from taking over the back lawn. Based on my past treatment of mint I think I should be able to keep this lot alive - maybe. Visions of minted pea soup provide good motivation. 

Couldn't find a blue pot, but then I thought the red, white and green looked rather Christmassy ... :-D

This is today's A posting. I have an even better B posting coming before I go to bed. 

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