Sunday 25 May 2014

#100HappyDays Challenge: Day 96 - Art Excursion

So I'm in catch up mode again ^^. Thursday's happy thing, my grade at school did not have Normal Day on Thursday. They had an art competition. 

What this means is that we all toddled down to the river behind the school, each student with a black art folio in hand. When we arrived at the river the students proceeded to unpack. Most if them had small ground sheets so that they did not have to sit on the ground, but I also saw quite large boards that came out of the folio to be used for pressing on while drawing, cell phones and iPads or cameras to take pictures of the scene, bottles of frozen water, hats, and in one case a table ... These kids take their competions very seriously. Some of them told me they had been down at the river the night before practicing drawing their picture. 

We stayed at the river for two hours and then the kids packed all their stuff - including the table - back into their folios, and we headed back to school. 

At a school the kids spent the rest of the day painting what they had drawn - and I got to spend the day getting ahead with my paperwork. Always a good thing :-)

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