Wednesday 5 March 2014

#100HappyDays Challenge: Day 17 - Random Happinesses

Lots of small things made me happy today. Things like:

* The cold morning air that let me puff fog clouds like a dragon all the way to work - well the part of going to work that is walking outside in the fresh/crisp air rather than on a nice warm bus.

* The sparkle in the naughty boys eyes - the one that says "I have an imagination! I like to learn and achieve things, but I also like to have fun and I'm willing to break the rules to do it." - I love that sparkle, even though I know they will be a handful to teach. I also know I will enjoy doing it and feeding and curbing their minds at the same time. That is like the best game in the world. I rarely see that sparkle in a girls eyes - but when I do it is even better.

* Seeing a student who has given up on learning walk out after their first class with me with a tiny seed of hope tentatively poking out one petal - again it's in the eyes.

* Making documents to organise my teaching plans :-) Perfectionist, OCD, workaholic Cat kicking into full flow - and I like it - but I'm more controlled now, I've learned a few things since LAC days.

* My new NZ passport arrived today and it is soooooooo pretty. I spent a good 20 minutes looking at all the pictures and making my friends admire it.

* Discovering a bus that takes me directly to work instead of having to catch two different trains.

* Discovering a stall that makes my favourite breakfast time street food - that actually is healthy too. I know it's open in the afternoon, tomorrow I shall find out if it is open in the morning. I HOPE SO!

* Sitting on the bus chatting with my friend on Kakao Talk (an instant messanger app). I love Technology. And discovering that my friend has started the 100HappyDays Challenge too.

Those are some of the things that made me happy today. The hardest part of this challenge is remembering to take pictures of something that made me happy. Today I forgot, so I found this picture on the internet. It pretty much illustrates me breathing my entire way to work. I've been trying to make 'fog rings' but with 0.0% success.

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