Tuesday 18 March 2014

#100HappyDays Challenge: Day 30 - One Man's Trash ...

One thing that continues to shock me here in Korea is the ease at which people throw away perfectly good items. Things that in NZ we would put on trademe and someone would happily pay a few dollars or more to take them off our hands. 

Well today it worked in my favour. Somebody put a large large cupboard outside on the road, so my neighbour and I retrieved it. The one thing my new apartment is lacking is storage space. Problem solved!

The cupboard is in perfectly good condition except that the doors have been removed, but I'm sure I can rehang them. It has six shelves, is strong, stable and sturdy. 

All we need to do now is ask her father in law to take off the window bars so we can lift the cupboard in through the  window. It is surprisingly light considering that it is too big to bring in through the door. 

This photo shows an end of the cupboard and two of the four doors in their temporary home by my entrance. Not exactly an aesthetically pleasing photo, but I wasn't thinking of taking pictures when we brought the cupboard home. When I get it inside, cleaned up and filled I'll take another one. 

PS Remind me to tell you the story of how God provided me with a new apartment and all the furniture and pots and pans and everything I need. In fact He has given me so much stuff I'm getting to give it away to other people. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yeah, we keep seeing stuff being thrown out 2-3 times a week in our apartment complex. We have the same mindset in the US as well. Waste not want not.

    If I can help you with your cupboard, let me know.
