Tuesday 25 March 2014

#100HappyDays Challenge: Day 38 - Ummmmmmmm

Today I was teaching my classes about classification, particularly the idea that classifying is dividing large groups into smaller groups according to specific rules. To illustrate this I got them to play a life sized version of 'Guess Who.'

For this games I choose two people. One if them is the 'Guesser' and everybody knows who they are. The other one is 'The Secret Person,' only I know who they are. 

All the other students stand up and the guesser has to ask me as few 'yes/no' questions as possible to determine who the secret person is. Each round takes about 3 minutes. The winner is the person who identifies the secret person with the least number of guesses. 

So we were playing this game. It was the last round of the class. A boy was holding the record for least number of guesses. It was a girls turn to play. The first question revealed that the secret person was a boy. The boys were desperate that the girl not win. So they immediately started stripping off all identifying features. Blazers, ties, jumpers, glasses, anything that would make a distinction. 

Within about 30 seconds I had two and a half rows of boys with black hair, black eyes, wearing almost identicle white shirts, all squinting (some because they couldn't see, some just trying to match).  I laughed and laughed and laughed. I laughed even harder when the girl won anyway :-D

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